Dread Zeppelin

"Does anyone remember laughter?" - Robert Plant
What do you get when you cross a fat man, boasting a greasy pompadour and white sequined jumpsuit, belting out Led Zeppelin vocals a la Elvis over a reggae beat? The answer my friends is the one and only, the original mash up, Dread Zeppelin. Led by a 300-pound Elvis impersonator, Tortelvis, they have released numerous albums of their playing inna reggae style, mon.
Robert Plant himself says he LOVES Dread Zeppelin and that their version of "Your Time Is Gonna Come" is better than Led Zep's! Jimmy Page kicked Tortelvis in the shins. Bob Dylan "almost" danced to their music in Oslo, Norway. David Crosby called Dread Zeppelin, "some weird shit" (and he should know!). Dave Stewart of The Eurythmics let them record all of their classic "Un Led ED" in his home studio in Encino, CA. Strange but true.

Whole Lotta Love from Un-Led-Ed
Good Times, Bad Times from Hot & Spicy Beanburger
The Train Kep A - Rollin from 5,000,000*
Unchained Melody from Hot & Spicy Beanburger
Stir It Up from 5,000,000*
Thanks for posting the Dread Zep! I love these guys!
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